Monday, September 24, 2012

Pumpkin Spice Addict

This is the look of a dog newly addicted to Pumpkin Spice Hershey's kisses. I was eating a few and he would not stop begging, so naturally I gave him one. Normally when he is begging for something weird (fruits, vegetables, pumpkin spice kisses) he will just spit it back out. Not this time! I have created a furry little monster.

(Disclaimer: This short little post was actually written about two weeks before I published, but I must have hit "save" instead of "publish", and then forgot about it. I found it in my files and thought it was too cute not to share!) 


  1. Oh, so THAT'S why he has been spoiled rotten ever since we got home from the cruise!!! (Oh and your sister busted you too..... did you let Kona sleep in the burgundy chair????). By the way, it took me a while to realize that this picture is completely backwards. :)

  2. I refuse to speak until I see my attorney! ;)

    And yeah the picture confuses me too! I took it using my laptop so apparently it uses a mirror image!
