Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree!

I had my doubts about having time (or energy) to put a Christmas tree up in my apartment this year! I was home for Thanksgiving last week and I convinced my mom and sister to go "Black Friday" shopping at Goodwill! We had a full night of Tryptophan-induced slumber, and made it to Goodwill around 3-4pm. Thank you, Goodwill for having your sales at a decent hour (and all weekend, I think!). Everything was marked down 50%, and I found the most perfect artificial tree! It comes apart in 3 sections and each section folds nicely, so no matching "branch A" to "slot A". Much easier.
I forgot to mention the best part- the grand total of my tree was only $10 after 50% off! Score.

Here are some quick pictures of my tree! I have plans to add more frilly things, but I was surprised that I already had enough ornaments to fill a full-sized tree! I have a few leather-bound children's books at the base of the tree from Goodwill last year. I would like to add some sparkly garland to the tree next. I also picked up this cute wooden ornament on the from Real Deals in Ellensburg for $2. I love it.

I hope to add some more sparkle to my tree soon! But for now, I am enjoying the coziness my new tree brings! :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe this is the same tree that was in three pieces in your trunk on the way to Ellensburg. Beautiful!
