Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mother's Day, Part One

I love Saturdays even more now that spring is in full bloom. Today was the first Farmer's Market in Ellensburg and we took full advantage! My friend Kaitlin bought some yummy feta cheese, a loaf of sourdough bread, and a 5# bag of gala apples (all locally made!) and I scored a giant mint plant for $3! I see lots and lots of mint iced tea in my future. :) Side note- there was a CUTE little guy selling handmade flower pens trying to raise money for a trampoline. What a hard worker!

After the market, we wandered around a few shops in town. We heard rumors of adorable Corgi puppies at the pet shop, but they had all been adopted by the time we got there. I had to really get out of there before I took home a lizard or turtle!

Anywho... I have been keeping an eye out for a cute mother's day gift for Adam's mom. In the past, I have always tried to give her something creative and handmade. Two years ago I made  tea cup candles  and last year I sent a Spa Kit made from those glass Starbucks bottles. She loved both of those and still mentions the tea cup candles, but my creative juices were just not flowing this year. All I could think of was chocolate or flowers (boring!). Luckily, we wandered into "Me & The Girls" gift shop and I spotted a huge selection of handmade cake stands (and bird baths, and redneck wine glasses made from mason jars..). Some were way too huge to ship, but I found this ADORABLE little apple shaped cupcake stand/candle holder.

Eeek! I could not pass it up. This will perfectly match her kitchen (that is, if she hasn't painted it since I was there last, which could be very likely). I will probably find an apple scented candle to send with it to complete the picture.

Here is my cute (WILD) mint plant. It ended up being way bigger than I thought it was. Also, two smaller basil plants.  

I'm going to attempt to plant some mother's day flowers for my mom and grandma but I'm afraid I might get blown off my porch! Darn that Ellensburg wind. Wish me luck! :)


  1. my mom was SO excited to get this. really and truly. you are way too sweet. what did adam do to deserve you? you could easily do better. but then again, all my brother's women are waaaaay out of their leagues. so, thank you to you guys who put up with them! (and if adam is reading this, tell him sean is way out of my league, too. we sykes must know how to sweet-talk.)

  2. UGH I was just at your parent's house this past weekend and the base of the stand broke in the mail! Stupid USPS, "fragile" must not apply to them. Luckily Waunita always has her rose colored glasses on and still loved it. :)
    I've decided there is power in numbers. Adam is just okay- it's his family I love! ;)
